Brake Discs

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470615301G - New - In stock
Lamborghini - Aventador LP700-4, Aventador LP720-4, Aventador LP740-4 S - and 5 more
from: £7,098.71
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470615302G - New - In stock
Lamborghini - Aventador LP700-4, Aventador LP720-4, Aventador LP740-4 S - and 5 more
from: £7,098.71
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BRAKE DISC CERAMIC CCP (What does this fit?)
420615301K - New - In stock
Lamborghini - Gallardo, HURACAN LP600, Huracan LP610
from: £6,156.25
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FRONT BRAKE DISC CERAMIC CCP (What does this fit?)
420615302G - New - In stock
Lamborghini - Gallardo, HURACAN LP600, Huracan LP610
from: £6,156.25
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LEFT REAR BRAKE DISC (What does this fit?)
4M0615601M - New - In stock
Lamborghini - Urus
from: £6,147.61
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RIGHT REAR BRAKE DISC (What does this fit?)
4M0615602A - New - In stock
Lamborghini - Urus
from: £6,147.61
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CERAMIC BRAKE DISC (VENTED) (What does this fit?)
4T0615301 - New - In stock
Lamborghini - HURACAN EVO, Huracan Performante
from: £5,745.55
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CERAMIC BRAKE DISC (VENTED) (What does this fit?)
4T0615302 - New - In stock
Lamborghini - HURACAN EVO, Huracan Performante
from: £5,745.55
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BRAKE DISC (What does this fit?)
470615601H - New - In stock
Lamborghini - Aventador LP700-4, Aventador LP740-4 S, Aventador LP750-4 SV - and 4 more
from: £5,334.85
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BRAKE DISC (What does this fit?)
470615602H - New - In stock
Lamborghini - Aventador LP700-4, Aventador LP740-4 S, Aventador LP750-4 SV - and 4 more
from: £5,334.85
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REAR BRAKE DISC (What does this fit?)
4T0615601 - New - In stock
Lamborghini - HURACAN EVO, Huracan Performante
from: £5,196.51
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BRAKE DISC (What does this fit?)
4T0615602 - New - In stock
Lamborghini - HURACAN EVO, Huracan Performante
from: £5,196.51
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BRAKE DISC CERAMIC CCP (What does this fit?)
420615601L - New - In stock
Lamborghini - Gallardo, Huracan LP610
from: £5,161.92
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BRAKE DISC CERAMIC CCP (What does this fit?)
420615602F - New - In stock
Lamborghini - Gallardo, Huracan LP610
from: £5,161.92
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BRAKE DISC CERAMIC (What does this fit?)
4S0615301A - New - In stock
Lamborghini - HURACAN EVO, Huracan LP580, HURACAN LP600 - and 2 more
from: £4,530.73
This part number is not found in any catalogue.
BRAKE DISK CERAMIC (What does this fit?)
4S0615302A - New - In stock
Lamborghini - HURACAN EVO, Huracan LP580, HURACAN LP600 - and 2 more
from: £4,530.73
This part number is not found in any catalogue.
BRAKE DISK CERAMIC (What does this fit?)
4S0615601A - New - In stock
Lamborghini - HURACAN EVO, Huracan LP580, HURACAN LP600 - and 2 more
from: £4,530.73
This part number is not found in any catalogue.
BRAKE DISK CERAMIC (What does this fit?)
4S0615602A - New - In stock
Lamborghini - Gallardo, HURACAN EVO, Huracan LP580 - and 3 more
from: £4,530.73
This part number is not found in any catalogue.
BRAKE DISK (What does this fit?)
470615301E - Used - In stock
Lamborghini - Centenario
from: £4,146.83
This part number is not found in any catalogue.
BRAKE DISK (What does this fit?)
470615302E - Used - In stock
Lamborghini - Centenario
from: £4,146.83

Shop Supercar Brake Discs At Eurospares

Brake discs, also known as brake rotors, are the circular components of the braking system which are clamped by the brake calipers to slow or stop your vehicle. Performance supercar brake discs are typically made of carbon ceramic or carbon fiber, and they have a smooth, flat surface that is designed to create friction with the brake pads. Brake discs are essential for the safe operation of any car, but they are especially important for supercars, which can reach high speeds and need to slow down fast. There are a few reasons why you might need to replace a brake disc. The most common reason is wear and tear. Over time, the brake discs can become warped or cracked, which can reduce their braking performance.

We have been supplying customers around the world with Ferrari brake discs, Lamborghini brake discs and Maserati brake discs since 1985. We have a wide range of discs in stock available to buy at low prices. As not all parts are listed for sale in the showcase, use the model selector at the top of the page to access all parts and view the online part diagrams.

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